Why You Should Be Brow Tinting
A conversation with Esthetician Kiara Harris
By Anna Maria Little
“Instagram eyebrows” became wildly popular in the beauty world over the course of 2016. You know the ones—a wide base at the eye that sweeps up into a high arch and dissipates with a dramatic tail, all accented by the perfect gradation of color at the brow’s outer edges.
Eyebrow tinting has been around for several years, despite its recent boom in popularity. Kiara Harris, an esthetician located in Atlanta, has been tinting for six years. She believes it is an essential part of any artist’s toolkit due to its diversity of uses.
“Eyebrow tinting is a great option for many different circumstances,” Harris explains, “such as if you have radically changed your hair color, you noticed you may have gray hairs in your eyebrows, or just want to add more definition to your face.”
“Tinting and waxing or threading actually go hand in hand.”
Tinting is also an ideal service to offer clients who are short on time, Harris points out. “The process should not take more than 20-25 minutes and can last up to two weeks.” With more women on-the-go and less with time to hit the salon every week, treatments with longevity are becoming extremely popular. While some makeup artists use gels, pencils, or both, to define the brows, color treatments create consistent results for clients, and their semi-permanence allows for a long-term wear they don’t have to recreate every day.
After waxing or threading, clients’ eyebrows can at times appear to be sparse, especially if they have light-colored or fine hair. “Tinting and waxing or threading actually go hand in hand,” Harris says. When these methods are used in conjunction for the brow beauty regimen, customers can maintain clean, groomed brows, but can also enjoy the voluptuous filling effect tinting offers.
Before & After
For more information about Kiara’s work, find her on Facebook or Instagram @WhippedByKiara, or schedule an appointment with her at The Wright Look in Atlanta (470) 819-8863.