Tips for Creating Great Brows
By Malynda Vigliotti
Brows are a hot beauty accessory this season, so why not cash in on the trend by offering brow shapings? The supplies cost next to nothing and it takes minimal space and training. At just 10 minutes per shaping at around $22 per service, your ROI is huge! Brow shaping is the perfect add-on service and can be done at the shampoo bowl or any chair, making it easy, fast, and convenient. Offering incentive programs, like booking four waxes and getting the fifth free, is a great way to pre-book and forecast business.
The biggest mistake people make when shaping brows is taking too much off, so avoid over plucking and waxing as it can take months for brows to grow back. Here are a few more tips and tricks for shaping “BOOMing” brows:
Brows are Sister, not Identical Twins
Eyebrows should be proportionate, but not identical. The space between brows should be equal to, or a little wider than, the eyes. Take a long eye shadow brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the side of the nose. Where the brush meets the brow is where brows should begin. To find the end, extend the brush diagonally from the nostril following the outside edge of the eye toward the brow. Where the inside edge of the brush hits is where it should end. If brows are too far apart, it can make the nose appear larger.
Arch Madness
The best brows have a slight arch. To find, hold a brush parallel to the outside edge of the colored part of the eye (the iris). Where the brush meets the brow is where the highest part of the arch should be.
Brush Brows Up
While handling the finishing touches, brush the brows upward to get a clearer picture of the situation.
Men Need a Different Approach
The worst mistake you can make with a male client is having brows that are too ‘done’ or allowing them to walk out with a unibrow. Unless a man specifically requests a sculpted arch or a specific style, it’s best to just clean up the top and bottom of the brow keeping the natural shape intact.
No Pain, No Gain? Not When It Comes to Brow Shaping.
Keep on hand multiple clean, sharp tweezers with a slanted tip. Just like with hair shears, many high-quality tweezer manufacturers, such as Tweezerman, allow you to mail them in to the company to be sharpened for a longer lifespan. When tweezing, hold the slanted part of the tweezer as close to the skin as possible, hold skin taught and pull in the direction the hair grows. This will reduce irritation and pain. When applying wax, it should be applied with a sterile eyebrow stick in an upward motion, then the pellon is applied and the pulling motion should be downward. Wax should always be applied in the direction of hair growth and pulled in the opposite direction – it’s done this way to prevent pulling skin and bruising. When done properly, clients should barely feel a tug and there should be absolutely no bruising.
Keep Your Work Space Sanitized
Sterilize your space sanitized by using antiseptic wipes. Sanitize the brow area as well by applying Bacitracin ointment. Tweezing and waxing yanks the hair follicles out at the root leaving an open area susceptible to bacteria and infection; ointment seals the area with an antibiotic to sooth and reduce bumps.
Money Grows in Small Spaces
Not sure you have enough space to add additional services to your place of business? Malynda Vigliotti (aka Boom Boom), owner of Boom Boom Brow Bar in NYC knows that it doesn’t take space to add value to your business.
Bigger is not always better. Vigliotti says, “I love the cozy intimate feel of a small space and I know my customers do too. For my brow waxing business, I have a mere 250 square foot space in New York City and did a whopping 17,000 brows last year! Small spaces tend to feel more local and organic, and people in the ‘hood like to support them. These days, people want the specialized attention and service a small boutique offers versus the same ole shtick from other larger establishments. Our job is to make our clients look good and that attitude starts from the moment they walk through our door. If done right, a small space can make clients feel safe and comfortable; done wrong…well, we just won’t go there.” Here are a few space saving tips to keep your space comfy, not cramped: Go Vertical Use the entire vertical wall space to store tools and products. Keep as much as possible out of site using creative, space-saving storage units. The goal is to create an “everything-has-its-place” look and feel. Have a Statement Piece Add some eye-catching detail to your space with one dominant design feature that can easily be changed to create a fresh feel, like a funky rug or pillows. Vigliotti comments, “We have a zebra rug in our waiting lounge!” Let in the Light Bring light into your space in unusual places, like under mirrors or around floorboards. Natural light is best, so keep windows unobstructed and clean. If you have high ceilings, hang décor items high on the walls and chandeliers above to force eyes upward. Stay Organized Clutter tends to take over when you are working quickly. Before you know it, you and your clients will be jumping over piles of unsorted paperwork and boxes. Set time aside each night, before you leave for the day, to clear up what the day brought in. Restock as Needed
Order inventory and supplies on an as needed basis – it reduces the amount of storage needed and the ordering of unnecessary items.
Malynda Vigliotti (aka Boom Boom) is a self-proclaimed eyebrow queen and apparently the flashiest waxer in town. Educated at The Fashion Institute of Technology, she has worked in the fashion and beauty trenches long enough to be an expert. She’s obsessed with brows, does over 500 a month (over 17,000 in 2011) at Boom Boom Brow Bar in NYC, and sees no reason why everyone shouldn’t have thick, gorgeous eyebrows. Boom Boom knows there’s no such thing as natural beauty, but she does believe a perfectly done brow is an instant eyelift – no Botox necessary! For more information, visit boomboombrowbar.com.