Getting the urge to do the big chop? We’re encouraging it!
House of Dear products help with “overall scalp health and blood circulation which aids
in healthy hair growth.”
With summer right around the corner, you might’ve gotten the urge to drastically change your hair, with House of Dear products on the market, we’re encouraging it! Luckily, we have expert hairstylist, Holly Dear, from the #1 salon in Dallas, House of Dear Hair Salon, to help you out with all the newest tips and tricks of hair growth.
Holly is here to use her lifelong love and knowledge of hair care to give you all the MUST HAVE beauty products to get your luscious locks back after a big cut. She personally recommends House of Dear Resurrecting Wash & Rinse which retails for $38.00, as well as House of Dear Volumizing Tonic retailed at $35.00, as your top 3 choices to help with adding length to your hair. These products are centered around active clean ingredients such as aloe vera, Rose of Jericho, and witch hazel (in the tonic) which all encourage “overall scalp health and blood circulation which aids in healthy hair growth.”
These products were created from Holly’s passionate search for clean hair products and are designed to help promote healthy hair growth and encourage you to take back control of your hair. All products and more are easily available on Amazon.com or houseofdear.com, but luckily enough you can easily contact House of Dear hair salon as well as make appointments on their website houseofdearhairsalon.com.