The importance of incorporating SPF into your professional and personal life
There’s a certain warmth in the air as we near the month of April. A cool but welcoming breeze knocks pollen off newly budding flowers, and we start to feel an itch. Is it that spring itch? Probably not; it’s probably sunburn.
As we shed our winter skin and prepare for the spring and summer months, it’s time to have conversation about skincare, for you and your clients. Three letters: S.P.F.
So, why is it so important? Glad you asked. We obviously know that the UVA and UVB rays from the sun are what cause sunburn, but what does that actually mean in the grand scheme of your skin’s health. You get premature wrinkles, your skin ages faster, and most importantly, it can lead to permanent skin damage—even skin cancer. With skin cancer being the most common type of cancer, it’s easy to understand why you would want to use SPF in your own skincare routine as well as your clients.’ So, TBC has compiled a few tips below on how to incorporate sunscreen into your personal and professional life.
Apply at least 30 Minutes Before Sun Exposure
The effects of SPF aren’t instant, so you need to give it time to bind to the client’s skin. The 30 minutes allows for the skin to absorb the ingredients and maximize the use of the sunscreen.
Make Sure Your Suncreen has an SPF of at least 15
Any lower and it won’t actually protect the skin. The higher the number, the stronger the protection, and the longer it protects the skin. Keep this in mind when it comes to reapplication (if needed).
Find Makeup or Skincare that Has it Already Included
The easiest way to remember to put on SPF is when you don’t have to. A lot of daily moisturizers as well as foundations have sun protection in them already, and it will say so on the bottle.
Use It Even if It’s Cloudy
UV rays still travel through clouds. Sometimes, even more so than when it’s not cloudy. Regardless of weather, you need to protect your skin. So, work your SPF into your daily routine.
The moral of the story? No matter your skin tone or skin type, everyone needs some kind of sunscreen, and this rule includes clients
The moral of the story? No matter your skin tone or skin type, everyone needs some kind of sunscreen, and this rule includes clients. Spring, summer, and even fall are big outdoor wedding seasons, family pictures, senior pictures—you name it. SPF is the foundation for healthy and beautiful skin and one of the most important preventative measures concerning skin cancer, so never skip it, on yourself or your clients!
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