Social media has been a key asset in growing the clientele of and arching the work of beauty professionals over the past decade, and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon. So much so in fact, that a lot of people’s careers revolve around understanding it and using it to its full, algorithm-friendly potential. Many people don’t really know where to start, but it’s now considered a crucial part of running any sort of business, so read on for a few tips to help you start establishing your social media presence.
Know Your Target Demographic
Focusing on a target demographic may seem like you’re limiting yourself and putting yourself into a box, but doing so makes establishing your brand and your online presence much easier. If you try to cater to too many demographics, you’ll exhaust yourself. It also asks a deeper question of: What image do you want to project? Who are you? What is your product? and…Who do you envision enjoying it? You will be surprised at the diversity you pull in when you know who you are as a brand. Finding your voice may take time, but putting in the effort is well worth the pay off.

Know Your Product or Service
It’s a given: You need to know your product. But you need to know everything about a product. What makes it different? What niche are you filling in the market? Why should clients come to you? What’s so special about what you’re offering? Knowing the answers to these questions helps you understand not just your product, but your place in your target market as well.
Inject A Little of Yourself into Your Platform
With social media, brands and consumers have been more connected than ever. That is to say, anyone can directly contact a brand. I’ve even had customer services issues solved via DM, so keep the human behind the screen front and center. People want to support people, and balancing personal posts and work posts will ensure a following that stays with you. People love to feel like they can relate, so don’t always be so perfect in your posts that it becomes boring. Don’t be afraid to show that you’re actually human!
Community is the always-redeeming quality about social media—it unites people far and wide. And this is your chance to build your own around your passion and your career.

Build a Community
Community is the always-redeeming quality about social media—it unites people far and wide. And this is your chance to build your own around your passion and your career. So, make engaging posts, ones that people want to comment on. Respond to those comments and engage with your community. They’re investing in you because you’re a real person, so don’t be afraid to show them some love.
Never Doubt the Power of Email
Every social media site has an algorithm that is meant to help consumers see pictures from the accounts they want to see, and this can often hinder growth for a lot of accounts. But guess what doesn’t have an algorithm? Email! It’s still the best form of internet marketing and is often underutilized. Link to it on every social media page and be sure your clients give you that information after their first visit with you. It should be the core of you online presence.
Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Please share below some of your favorite social media tips that have helped you grow your online presence!