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How to Make Work and Family Mix: 5 Ways to Create Balance

How to Make Work and Family Mix: 5 Ways to Create Balance

As a mom entrepreneur, it is very important for me to have balance in all areas of my life so that I can function at my most optimal level. I’ve found that it can be very easy to lean too far on either end of the work/life balance spectrum, either overworking myself or letting projects sit on the table for longer than they should. I found myself worrying about work when I should be focusing on myself and my family, and worrying about my personal life when it was time to focus on projects.


I decided that there had to be a way for me to have the harmonic balance that I desired in my life. I was determined to have holistic success that integrated my life and my work, and to design my life in a way that served me and the most important factors in my life.


Here are five tips that I use to successfully blend my work and family life:

Take Your Kids to Work (Sometimes)

Obviously, it depends on the type of environment that you work in. However, if you work for yourself or work in a salon setting that is kid-friendly, allowing your child to see you working may inspire them to follow in your footsteps. It may also encourage them do something more constructive with their time. Depending on how old they are, you may allow them to assist you in small ways, which will help them to feel like they are a part of the action.


Design Your Day

Decide what inspiring theme you want to use for the day. Maybe it’s fun; maybe it’s peace, or maybe it’s passion. Creatively use that theme throughout your entire day and find ways to allow it to permeate your activities and decisions. Stay organized and design your day to balance out personal time, family time, and work time.


Put Yourself First

This may be a tough one, because as mothers, we are so used to nurturing and giving to our families. However, you can’t give what you don’t have. Be sure to take time at the beginning of the day and throughout your day to take care of yourself first.


Set Boundaries

Don’t be afraid to say no to obligations, tasks, or relationships that will bring imbalance to your life. Set up your life in a way that allows as much time as you need for the priorities in your life and stick to it. This is also necessary for setting boundaries with your children and family. Explain to your children what “work time” means, but give yourself leeway to check in on them if need be. This tip also works well with tip #1. If your kids are familiar with your job and its tasks, they may understand your boundaries a bit more (of course, this may not work with the little ones!).



Life is supposed to be fun! Add at least one to three pleasurable activities in your day, especially with your children.










Dawn Yerger is the president and CEO of Nappturalite Media, the parent company of Nappturalite Radio, All Curls Allowed TV. She is also the creator of, a social networking and resource site that serves entrepreneurs in the natural hair, eco-friendly living, and natural product markets. She has contributed to sites like,, and is the Chicago Women’s Business Examiner for She earned both her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago. Learn more at and

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